пятница, 13 декабря 2013 г.


As the first semester came to end, I want to say that, it was a great experience for me. I always was shy to share my work, but now, gladly I can say that without feedback my work wouldn’t be that perfect. Life drawing lessons were fantastic. Yes sometimes I thought it was useless lesson, but to the middle of our semester I understood it was to help us. Understand the proportions and how to do it correctly and have a feedback in a moment. I wasn’t sure about my work, I knew for myself it is trash, but others said it was nice and always told me where to work on, what to fix, what to draw and etc. Making out characters was a great idea to imagine and improvise on whatever we wanted. Just to make that image much and much perfect than it was. For me it was great knowledge to understand all the techniques and to develop my imagination.  Yes I had periods when I just couldn’t get what to create, what to draw. Now I have an idea to think forward of it. Well I won’t lie and hide it of course I had trouble with some plagiarism; I knew that we needed to change something in the drawing/image, but what exactly I didn’t knew. And so I did the environment with close to plagiarism theme, thankfully for the feedback I got from my tutors, I know how to avoid this. So in future I will know how and what to draw and how to change it.
In future I wish we could have similar lessons, similar tasks. I would say that it is much interesting to investigate on your own, how you should plan your character or environment.
To sum up, I really don’t know what to write about, it’s hard to make this report for so long, because all the knowledge all the experience if gained is thanks to tutors, tasks, life drawing. And I have no idea what to say more. Yes it was interesting time, it was great chance to show yourself, step forward trough your fears to speak and show in public your work.
I really want to say thank for the great feedback and great support J

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