четверг, 5 декабря 2013 г.

History of my Character

Female, Night Elf, Ranger

Age: 137
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: white
Handiness: Right

Story of Ari begins nearly at the start of new decade. In the Norderon Kingdom.
The kingdom famous for its beauty, honor, diplomacy. But one night, everything changes.
One of the enemy’s spy, was ordered to kill the king of Norderon, The Luther VI.
Years passed, kingdom was in chaos, after the king’s death, criminal and violence rate grew,
Each year more and more. And so the Kingdom was ruined. Human Alliances couldn’t help them to take everything on their control. Dwarfs, Elves were powerless.
Orc’s heard the news about the King assassination and so the decided to attack the ruined kingdom and take their lands for enslaving filthy humans. The rest of Alliance knew about the upcoming thread. And they send their army to help fallen Kingdom to at least help not to disappear human race.
Elf kingdom had Special Forces to train Elite warriors. Ari was one of those Elite warriors, she was one of the rangers who were knew her weapon better then whoever else. She and her team have been ordered to scout and assassinate in night orc camp. She and her team mates went on a mission.
But no one knew that she will be one of the survivors. They were ambushed buy the troll rogues. And all her squad was dead, except her. After the massacre, Ari swore that she will hunt down all orc or trolls that she will find on her path.
Armed with Bow of her Father, with ice fire element, she could shoot any target without a miss, and her silver dagger she won in the tournament. Her equipment was all collared in to Forest colors, so that she could easily could hide, ambush her enemies.
Now as we know her past, the story that is ahead of her is just began and ready to be written. And here is where her story continues…

Clothing armor
Ari has her Elite suit up, which consist of Green Leather boots made from special elven recipe. Her leggings are little bit ripped after her fight when she was ambushed by troll rogues, these leg armor are made of Barbed Hide, her top armor is made of same material as her boots but with some steal components. Her Hood is fully green, just to dissolve in the bushes or forest. Gloves for her bow were made so that she won’t have problem with the shooting.

Weapon Equipment
She has Longbow of her Father, made of magical wood, with added Ice fire Element. Its color is light Blue and red and bits of green. Why blue and red? It’s because this element give’s these colors. Also she is armed with Silver dagger,  that she won from Tournament, held in Forgotten lands, where all kind of assassins, killers, champions, heroes were involved in a battle to death. This dagger has an ability to steal enemy’s energy. When you make a light cut on an enemy, he starts to feel tired, exhausted. This dagger she uses for close combat. Also she has got a Quiver that holds some of her magical and common arrows that she uses to shot from a bow.

Items of Interest:
She owns a diary, from her Father. It is the second and the last item she saved from her past. Just to memorize her Childhood. And an amulet of dragon, as her name from Elven to common language stands for Dragon. She doesn’t have the permanent home place, that’s why she doesn’t have lots of personal stuff. She always moves from one place to another.

Ari is an ordinary Elf, friendly to any kind of creature in the forest; she doesn’t trust other races, even if they are allies. She doesn’t often talks to anyone, only if she is searching something of if it is business. Like taking a quest or something like that. She’s often clam and gentle in chatting. However she might be rude to humans.
Ari never lets anyone in danger, she always tries to help. Especially to forest creature being. One time she helped one tiger mother to defend her tiger cubs. And for that Tiger mother allowed to take one beautifully colored tiger cub in pets.
She never misses any Wanted Post to hunt orcs. She swore to take every orc and troll down. So when she sees one… you’d better be not an orc… or you will die. No matter how big you are.
As she lost all her squad… she could handle this humiliation and couldn’t return to her home village. That’s why sometimes when she sees a Night Elf she gladly would like to chat with them.
However… Ari never thanked to make a relationship to anyone. Maybe because of the shame of losing all her squad team mates. And she is afraid to loose someone close to her.
Who knows? Futures destiny she doesn’t know. Maybe someday.
Birthplace: Ashforest Kingdom
Home: no special places
Family/relationship: Father – Andwind
Friends: none or unknown
Enemies: Orcs, Trolls, goblins, Undead.

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